Truth Beauty and the Good • Episode 25 • Free •

Truth Beauty and the Good • Episode 25 • Free •

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Truth Beauty and the Good • Episode 25 • Free •
Many are familiar with this phrase but few know its origins, nor do they realize just how bereft our culture is of that depth of knowing today. I asked Steve and Krys Crimi of Logosophia Books, to once again share their depth of knowledge and wisdom with us on this topic. What they share offers a window into the ancient mystery tradition where direct experience through transcendent states ignited the flame that lives within each of us. They speak to the soul-stirring beauty of Islamic art, Plato’s folly in turning the mystery tradition into rationalism, thought vs direct experience, the usurpation of the luminous light of knowing through the theory of relativity, which branched out to art, literature, architecture, and more.
The second hour discusses in greater depth the abstraction of the numinous via intellect rather than inner experience. The conversation goes from polyester to Penn Station, to the light of the heavens flowing into the living experience through such masterpieces as gothic cathedrals, stained glass, and more.
I always feel like I am sitting at the feet of wise elders when I am in conversation with Krys and Steve. I invite you to brew a nice cup of coffee or tea, get comfortable and receive their striking insights and wisdom.
Vimeo Channel:
Crowds, Propaganda, State Schooling, Oh MY! • Episode 24 • Free •

Crowds, Propaganda, State Schooling, Oh MY! • Episode 24 • Free •

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The Mushroom's Apprentice FREE
Crowds, Propaganda, State Schooling, Oh MY! • Episode 24 • Free •
 Having read French Sociologist, Gustave Le Bon’s, illuminating book, The Psychology of Crowds, over the summer, I made a note to do an episode on crowd manipulation, the undermining insidiousness of propaganda, and the history of government-run schooling. Not a subject the average person wants to know about and yet each and every one of us continues to be saturated in propaganda and social programming everyday. If we put our heads in the sand on this our social issues will continue unabated. No hero is coming to save us and certainly no president from either wing of that same bird either.
Knowledge is power and those who have the curiosity and mental clarity to study how social manipulation works are able to see the con and avoid its spell. In this episode I will be sharing information that most people have little to no awareness of. Le Bon’s book explains the foundational steps of how control of the masses works, which may sound uncomfortably familiar to those who listen in. The subject of social engineering would be incomplete without discussing that odious character, Edward Bernays, and equally odious, Frederick W. Taylor, the anti-intellectual and hater of the individual and, I’m afraid, one of the architects of compulsory schooling.
The second hour focuses on the Prussian school system, which is the blueprint for compulsory schooling in this country. I share from the esteemed, John Taylor Gatto’s book, The Underground History of American Education, which is absolutely mind-blowing. In order to solve a problem properly we must address its cause. This will give you some food for thought and hopefully some inspiration as well.
The Great American Eclipse Cycle • Episode 23 • Free •

The Great American Eclipse Cycle • Episode 23 • Free •

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The Great American Eclipse Cycle • Episode 23 • Free •
This is my second time interviewing astrologist, Robert Phoenix, and he did not disappoint. Robert gave his listeners a big head’s up in fall of 2019 that something major and debilitating was coming in 2020. That information inspired me to prepare practically and mentally/emotionally for what was coming and I weathered that storm. We are now two eclipses into a notable eclipse cycle, with the third and final eclipse occurring in April of 2024. The above image is the path of these 3 eclipses happening right on the U.S.A. These particular eclipses mark massive upheaval in this country, rippling outward to the rest of the world.
A maxim of the medieval alchemists states, “As above, so below.” Our night sky has informed humanity for millennia, guiding ships and marking omens and major turning points. In this episode Robert discusses the astrology playing out through these eclipses and the effects that we’ve experienced thus far, and what is a likely scenario for the next few years. Astrology often feels like the script for what plays out here on earth and one can easily understand why kings, queens, presidents and other leaders and influencers have had their astrologists and continue to use them today.
Robert is not an astrologist who sugar-coats, and the information he brings for these next few years is sobering, but as the old saying goes, “forewarned is forearmed” and the practical, grounded side of me wants to know what’s ahead so I can prepare accordingly. Adversity is a great and powerful teacher and our spirit is more ready than many of us realize to greet the challenges with courage and aplomb.
To learn more about Robert and to book a session, you can visit his website,
I recommend listening to his Sunday Night Astro-Live on YouTube:
Magic Mushroom Q & A • Episode 22 • Free •

Magic Mushroom Q & A • Episode 22 • Free •

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The Mushroom's Apprentice FREE
Magic Mushroom Q & A • Episode 22 • Free •
Magic Mushroom Q & A
I recently requested questions on the subject of magic mushrooms from clients and friends and their thoughtful queries have resulted in this episode.
Their questions cover subjects like what to eat before a journey, what to do to ensure an uplifting experience, how to connect with the faerie realms, and much more.
I hope you’ll enjoy this one.
Iodine: The Capstone for True Health • Episode 21 • Free •

Iodine: The Capstone for True Health • Episode 21 • Free •

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The Mushroom's Apprentice FREE
Iodine: The Capstone for True Health • Episode 21 • Free •
Earlier this year I began researching Iodine in earnest, and discovered it is the capstone to actual health and mental acuity. In the last 70 years we have been made to fear this essential nutrient that has a documented historical resume of reversing conditions like goiter, cysts, tumors, mental retardation and much more. As a result of misconceptions, the vast majority of us are iodine-deficient, which leads to a number of conditions linked to iodine deficiency such as fibrocystic breast disease, thyroid diseases, ADHD, cancer of the thyroid, breast, ovary, prostate, endometrium, and more.
In the first hour I will explore the medical use of iodine that traces back thousands of years, and its efficacy for healing conditions that plague many people today, and I’ll share what happened in 1948 that steered three generations of doctors away from this important nutrient. You’ll learn about toxic Halides and how they undermine our Iodine levels, and I’ll discuss the Iodine protocol created by Dr Guy Abraham, M.D.
The second hour covers which iodine works best, how to take it, what to do for children, pregnancy, breast cancer, thyroid disorders, ADHD, and more. This has been a very illuminating and uplifting area of research for me and I am excited to share this treasure-trove of information with you.
The Guide to Supplementing with Iodine
Dr Jorge Flechas MD on Iodine for Women’s Health
The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow
Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It by Dr David Brownstein, M.D.
Interview with Dr. David Brownstein, M.D.
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