Episode 25
Truth Beauty and the Good

November 24th 2023 • Free First Hour

Many are familiar with this phrase but few know its origins, nor do they realize just how bereft our culture is of that depth of knowing today. I asked Steve and Krys Crimi of Logosophia Books, www.logosophiabooks.com to once again share their depth of knowledge and wisdom with us on this topic. What they share offers a window into the ancient mystery tradition where direct experience through transcendent states ignited the flame that lives within each of us. They speak to the soul-stirring beauty of Islamic art, Plato's folly in turning the mystery tradition into rationalism, thought vs direct experience, the usurpation of the luminous light of knowing through the theory of relativity, which branched out to art, literature, architecture, and more. 
The second hour discusses in greater depth the abstraction of the numinous via intellect rather than inner experience. The conversation goes from polyester to Penn Station, to the light of the heavens flowing into the living experience through such masterpieces as gothic cathedrals, stained glass, and more. 
I always feel like I am sitting at the feet of wise elders when I am in conversation with Krys and Steve. I invite you to brew a nice cup of coffee or tea, get comfortable and receive their striking insights and wisdom. 
Vimeo Channel: 
Listen to the First Hour Free


4th Annual Gaian Congress ONLINE
Join me at the 4th Annual Gaian Congress annual event where all manner of spiritual beings connect and unite to co-create a better world. Based on over two decades of connection and co-creation with Spiritual Allies.
When: January 19-21, 2024
We gather LIVE, in real time, and although we are not together in physical space, the ability to see and hear each other does a remarkable job in weaving a strong energetic container for deeply transformative experiences. In gathering together, we create a powerful field which amplifies our abilities and sensitivities, building a stronger bridge across the dimensions.  This creates a more expansive connection and enables us to be more effective allies in co-creating with the Subtle realms. 
There are many online summits these days, each one with hours and hours of content, the Congress is about EXPERIENCE with the power to TRANSFORM, rather than content.

Visit www.gaiancongress.org for full schedule and presenter list! 

If you register before December 15th you receive access to two additional VIB sessions (VIB = Very Important Being), one before the main event in which we will do an energy clearing of our homes to support our fullest expansion during the weekend, and another gathering after the event to help ground and integrate the experiences of the weekend. (see the schedule page for details)
Use COUPON CODE SHONAGH for FREE ACCESS to the VIB gatherings AND the bonus videos!
Receive access to recordings of four prior workshop presenters, chosen because we found them to be particularly inspiring, healing and informative: 
- William Bloom: Nature Spirits, Archetypes and Angels – Healing Gaia and Humanity
- Barbara Thomas: Healing Burned Woman
-Patrick MacManaway: Stories from Farmlands - Human/Nature Healings
-Susan Raven: Communicating with the Elemental Kingdom
This is a $100+ value that is YOURS FREE as thanks for your support for our mission. 
Please note that you do NOT need to add the VIB bump offer to your cart, simply enter the coupon code on the right side and you will be sent an email with the links for the special offers.
Also note that due to the technology setup, this offer is only available when you register, so please remember to use the coupon code!
New Offering!
Navigating Adversity
Adversity is unavoidable and its myriad forms range from challenging to downright devastating. None of us want to walk that tightrope, but face it we must, even when we sense there is no net to catch us. The right words offered at just the right time have lifted spirits and inspired courage and the will to see it through to the finish. 
The following videos offer ways in which to address adversity as a potent teacher with the power to shape our character, strengthen our spirit, and gain wisdom. 
The first video explores how adversity serves, and ways in which to work through it that include the cultivation of a larger, more resourced part of the psyche in order to access internal guidance. 
The second video continues the theme with a number of questions to ask as a way to stimulate our creative problem-solving abilities, and it finishes with relevant guidance from the IChing and the Tarot.
COST: $75

You're receiving this email either because you subscribed to The Mushroom's Apprentice podcast or to my mailing list through ShonaghHome.com This podcast is my portal through which I will share the knowledge and wisdom I have accrued over these past 12 years as an apprentice to the mushroom teachers. I hope there will be some gems here for you to discover. 


Shonagh Home

Podcast Host


© 2023 The Mushrooms Apprentice podcast. All rights reserved.