Episode 23
  The Great American Eclipse Cycle 

October 27th 2023 • Free First Hour

This is my second time interviewing astrologist, Robert Phoenix, and he did not disappoint. Robert gave his listeners a big head's up in fall of 2019 that something major and debilitating was coming in 2020. That information inspired me to prepare practically and mentally/emotionally for what was coming and I weathered that storm. We are now two eclipses into a notable eclipse cycle, with the third and final eclipse occurring in April of 2024. The above image is the path of these 3 eclipses happening right on the U.S.A. These particular eclipses mark massive upheaval in this country, rippling outward to the rest of the world. 
A maxim of the medieval alchemists states, "As above, so below." Our night sky has informed humanity for millennia, guiding ships and marking omens and major turning points. In this episode Robert discusses the astrology playing out through these eclipses and the effects that we've experienced thus far, and what is a likely scenario for the next few years. Astrology often feels like the script for what plays out here on earth and one can easily understand why kings, queens, presidents and other leaders and influencers have had their astrologists and continue to use them today. 
Robert is not an astrologist who sugar-coats, and the information he brings for these next few years is sobering, but as the old saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed" and the practical, grounded side of me wants to know what's ahead so I can prepare accordingly. Adversity is a great and powerful teacher and our spirit is more ready than many of us realize to greet the challenges with courage and aplomb. 
To learn more about Robert and to book a session, you can visit his website, https://robertphoenix.com/ 
I recommend listening to his Sunday Night Astro-Live on YouTube. His channel is Robert Phoenix The 11th House.
Listen to the First Hour Free


I am working on a comprehensive 12-month course with my friend, Vanese McNeill, producer of the Magical Egypt series. The course is titled, More Than Magick, and it delivers a foundational curriculum that will absolutely shower you with empowering knowledge, applicable wisdom and a clear understanding of how to navigate and work co-creatively with the deeper layers of reality.
Stay tuned!
Latest Testimonial for my One-On-One Retreats
Shonagh, thank you again for an absolutely life-changing time, I feel reborn down to my cells! I am already looking at my schedule for next year to return to your lovely home for more exploration. I am still sifting through that second journey but our conversations gave me good insight into a deeper understanding of my young parts. My anxiety has reduced markedly since I got home and I'm utilizing every tool you gave me, including the supplements and tinctures. You are a true guide, teacher and medicine woman and someday I would love to apprentice with you. One step at a time though! Thank you for being who you are, dear Shonagh! 
Emma S., New York, NY

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Shonagh Home

Podcast Host


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