Episode 31
 Veda Austin:
Water As Healer

February 16th 2024 • Free First Hour

I had the great privilege of interviewing water researcher, Veda Austin, recently and what she shared is nothing short of groundbreaking. The results of her research have extraordinary implications for healing in a way that can free humanity and this earth from so much suffering. 
In the first hour Veda shares how she came to this research, and her backstory is truly inspiring. You will not believe what she went through before arriving at her work today. With regard to the horrific car crash she experienced, Veda shared an element with me that she has not shared publicly before. She explained how she came to explore water through written, photographic and thought promptings beneath a petri-dish of water she then froze for a certain amount of time, which revealed the image of her prompt. If you are unfamiliar with Veda's work, you will learn things about water that you may never have thought possible. 
In the second hour Veda focuses specifically on how to heal with water using the crystalization method she has developed. The possibilities here are infinite and Veda shares how one woman, with curiosity and faith, used the crystalization method to heal herself from crippling vaccine damage. Veda discusses the healing elements of different colored glass bottles, and how water uses its own intelligence to heal itself. What a blessing and a grace to be alive now and receive this life-changing information. Veda is a treasure-trove of illumination for this time and what she offers is a quickening to the heart of mankind. 
Listen to the First Hour Free


New Video Series on Wisdom Teachings
I've recently begun a little series of short videos sharing accrued wisdom over the years. In this series I'll discuss various maxims of law, traditional counsel, advice, etc. The vids are short and to the point and it is my hope they will uplift and inspire. Please consider subscribing to my channel and if you hit "like" it helps with the algorithms, which are a great mystery to me! 
A head's up on the psychology of The Manipulation of Crowds: 

You're receiving this email either because you subscribed to The Mushroom's Apprentice podcast or to my mailing list through ShonaghHome.com This podcast is my portal through which I will share the knowledge and wisdom I have accrued over these past 12 years as an apprentice to the mushroom teachers. I hope there will be some gems here for you to discover. 


Shonagh Home

Podcast Host


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